
Author Archives: zachperrego

5 Biggest Mistakes Local Denver Businesses are Making with Social Media Marketing (Social Media Marketing Denver)


If you’re a small business (especially in the Denver area) then you are definitely going to want to read this article. I’ve worked with several clients in this area and I’ve narrowed down the 5 biggest mistakes that local businesses are making with their Social Media Marketing and Advertising strategies.

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What Exactly Is Content Marketing? (…and what it means for YOUR business)


Alright, if you’ve been on the internet for longer than five minutes then you’ve probably heard this new term buzzing around called “Content Marketing”.

So what exactly is it?

Well it depends on who you ask really. Some marketers will try to sell you this overly complicated formula to content marketing. But in reality content marketing is much simpler than that. Continue reading

What You Should Look for in Your Marketing Consultant (…or really any consultant)


So you’re business is finally taking off now. You’re really starting to see the fruits of your labor. Everything’s going great!

Except you could use more clients, more customers…and you’re having trouble getting people interested in your business.

You’ve already realized that you might need some marketing and branding help.

And that’s fine! It’s always a good thing to outsource a skill that you don’t have. And its much more time efficient than learning it from scratch yourself.

However. Now that you’re business is taking off you’re getting scammy marketing consultants, SEO consultants, PPC consultants, you name it, sending you random unsolicited emails and cold calls trying to get you to fork over your hard earned cash so they can tell YOU how to run your business. Continue reading

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