5 Biggest Mistakes Local Denver Businesses are Making with Social Media Marketing (Social Media Marketing Denver)


If you’re a small business (especially in the Denver area) then you are definitely going to want to read this article. I’ve worked with several clients in this area and I’ve narrowed down the 5 biggest mistakes that local businesses are making with their Social Media Marketing and Advertising strategies.

Mistake #1 – NOT Using Social Media Marketing


Mistake Number 1 is simple.

If your business is not even attempting to use social media then you are falling behind. Fast.

It isn’t too difficult to get started. And if you don’t have time?

Either make some time, or hire someone who knows what they’re doing to do it for you!

Every minute you spend without a good social media presence is one that your competitors are catching up to you.


Mistake #2 – Using the WRONG Social Media Marketing


While this mistake is not as bad as Mistake #1, it is still something to be avoided.

There is absolutely no need for your business to spend all it’s time on 10 different social media platforms if you’re only getting real results from 1 or 2 platforms.

If your business can get results from Google AdWords and Google Places, but you are getting nowhere with Facebook Advertising then drop it!

Don’t waste money on something that isn’t working.


Mistake #3 – Wasting Money!


This one is pretty simple.

You might hear from your buddies or maybe some article you read online that Facebook Advertising is the absolute best way to get more clients calling you.

But if you’re spending too much money and the ROI isn’t there?

You have two options: Either drop it, or hire someone who can do it for cheaper.

Tons of my clients get burned by Facebook Advertising or Google AdWords because they don’t know how to do it correctly! They do it wrong, and it costs them tons of money. Then they say, “Well that doesn’t work for us, it’s too expensive!”

And maybe it is the wrong method for your business. But in 90% of cases I see, it’s not that the method is too expensive. No, it’s that whoever is running the advertising accounts is doing it wrong and costing the business a boat load of cash for no results.


Mistake #4 – Not Speaking DIRECTLY To Your Ideal Customer


This is merely a beginner’s error.

When crafting social media messages or advertising copy, you MUST speak directly to your ideal customer.

What are his wants or desires? What exactly is the problem your customer has that your product is going to solve?

Don’t get all cute and try to make jokes in your advertising.

Simply get the customer’s attention, show him that your product or service can solve his problem, and then prove it to him and get him to respond to your message.


Mistake #5 – Not Tracking RESULTS


I’m sure you’ve heard the age-old quote before.

“What gets measured, gets managed.”

Good marketing strategy, whether it’s Google AdWords, SEO, Facebook Advertising, or general Social Media Marketing, MUST be measured and tracked so that you can determine clear winners and losers.

Cut away the losing strategies and put more effort into the winners.

It’s that simple.

And if you’ve tried some social media marketing yourself but aren’t getting anywhere OR are spending too much money, then click here to fill out my consultation request form because I’d be happy to get your business back on the right track.


Best regards,

Zach Perrego


P.S. If you are looking for a local Denver professional to help get some more dollars walking into your business with Social Media Marketing and Advertising, then click here to learn more about my consulting services because I am just the man to help you out.

P.P.S. I love meeting and speaking with my clients and readers in person, so let me know if you are located in the Denver Metro area in Colorado!




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